Hi Friends of the Colorado River, I predict that 2025 will be a fascinating year…
Colorado River Update: Hard Truths, Black Swans, and Stunning Victories.
Hi Friends of the Colorado River,
As 2024 slips past us, we reflect on our work which we characterize as “Hard Truths,” “Black Swans,” and “Stunning Victories.”
First, the Hard Truths — we speak them! As we’ve said hundreds of times, it’s insane to be building more dams and diversions in the Colorado River system when the two main reservoirs are already limping along somewhere near dead pool. Further, the states and federal government continue to argue about which users should get cut back, a process that will play out over the next year as the big “Post-2026 Environmental Impact Statement” moves forward.
During that process, you will hear even more Hard Truths from us at a time when almost no one else speaks them. If that’s your ideal of what an environmental group should be doing, then please join us!
Second, the Black Swans — they are real and lurk near the surface of the Colorado River. Scientists call a black swan “an unpredictable or unforeseen event, typically with extreme consequences.” These black swans on the Colorado River — which are extremely low flow years that have happened in the past and are happening more frequently — are due to the creeping realty of climate change. In fact, back in 2022, the flow of water was so low that the Bureau of Reclamation itself started planning to dig a tunnel around Glen Canyon Dam so the river could keep flowing downstream. Further, because the states and the Bureau continue to manage the river at or near its breaking point, all it takes is one low flow Black Swan year and the Bureau will be again designing tunnels.
We, on the other hand, are actively planning for a real future where climate change will create year after year of Black Swans — a future that includes decommissioning Glen Canyon Dam and restoring the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. If you believe that is what an environmental group should be doing, then please join us!
Finally, the Stunning Victory that we had in Boulder County, CO, this year in our 15-year fight against the Gross Dam expansion. As you know, a federal district judge ruled in our favor and against Denver Water. Further, the judge cited the reality of climate change in her ruling, and argued strongly that Denver Water should have considered alternatives that create less damage on the landscape and the Colorado River.
It’s solely because WE STOOD UP against Denver Water, spoke the Hard Truths, and rallied our colleagues, that this victory occurred. Further, this ruling has repercussions across the U.S. and will support river protection and dam fighters potentially for years into the future. If you believe that is what an environmental group should be doing, then please join us!
In 2025, we are doubling down with more Hard Truths that accept the reality of Black Swans with hopes of achieving more Stunning Victories.
Please join us by donating online here: https://savethecolorado.org/donate/
Thank you for your support!
Gary Wockner, Director
Save The Colorado