Hi Friends of the Colorado River, I predict that 2025 will be a fascinating year…
Colorado River Update: Dam Removal Goes Bigtime This Summer — Is The Colorado River Next?
Hi Friends of the Colorado River,
As we head into the summer of 2023, dam removal is shaking the foundations of the U.S. river-protection movement!
First, on the Klamath River in northern California, 4 dams will begin to be removed this summer, which will be the biggest dam removal projects in world history. The huge Klamath River dams are relics of a bygone era polluting the River and blocking salmon from their historic migration route.
In the works for over two decades, these dam removals spark a new generation in the culture of dam management in the U.S. as well as a new generation of people who see dams coming down rather than going up. Both the federal government and the State government of California support the dam removals and are facilitating and funding the deconstruction over the next several years.
Second, on the Snake River in Idaho, 4 huge dams may also soon be on the chopping block. These dams are polluting the Snake River as well as blocking salmon from their historic migration route. In fact, right now the Biden Administration is accepting comments on the proposal to remove the dams.
Further yet, the Biden Administration recently released a statement that it was “neutral” on the dam removal proposal and said, “We are committed to working together to bring healthy and abundant salmon runs back to the Columbia River System and honoring federal commitments to tribal nations while supporting local and regional economies…”
Finally, just a few days ago, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation initiated a process on the Colorado River to “protect the Colorado River” and launch a major permitting event about how the River — and its massive dams and reservoirs — are managed.
Coming in hot, we were first out of the gates with the media making Fox 13 TV News in Salt Lake City — you can watch the segment by clicking here — arguing that in order to protect the Colorado River, the federal government must drain Powell into Mead and decommission Glen Canyon Dam.
Like the Klamath and Snake River dams, there are lots of people that say the removal of Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River could never happen. Yet, this new process will have to take climate change seriously and be legally and financially responsible for the outcome of the permits. Over the next two years, federal government will have many public comment periods where we will pepper the agencies with sound science about the necessity of removing Glen Canyon Dam. We are moving forward Full Steam Ahead with our campaign to drain Powell Reservoir and decommission Glen Canyon Dam.
People say it can’t be done, but it’s being done on the Klamath River, officially proposed to be done on the Snake River, and teed up to be a major opportunity on the Colorado River. It can happen!
It’s your support that keeps us working hard — you can donate online by clicking here.
Enjoy the summer and stay tuned for all the action on our campaign!