Hi Friends of the Colorado River, I predict that 2025 will be a fascinating year…
Colorado River EARTH DAY Update: River Warrior Chained Himself To A Rock, Dared Feds To Drown Him
Hi Friends of the Colorado River!
Consider beginning your day with this inspiring story of our boardmember, Mark Dubois, who chained himself to a rock in 1979 as the newly dammed waters of the Stanislaus River rose to drown him.
Mark didn’t drown, and later on became a founder of river-protection organizations, a co-leader of Earth Day, and a “River Saint” to many activists in the global river-protection community. This new film, “The Voice of the River (here on Youtube)“, tells Mark’s story — and lets him tell the story himself because he is still with us!
Enjoy the film, go outside, and have a great Earth Day.