Hi Friends of the Colorado River, I predict that 2025 will be a fascinating year…
Colorado River Day and the Watershed Movie!
Hello Friends of the Colorado River!
Last week was a great week for Colorado River activism! First, July 25th was the first official “Colorado River Day.” On July 25th, 1921, Congress named it the Colorado River.
Events were held in Denver, Las Vegas, Grand Junction, Phoenix, and San Diego. At these events, we celebrated the Day and helped support a unique combination of people and groups who agree on the importance of “conserving” the Colorado River. Environmental conservationists joined arms with fiscal conservatives to send a message to the federal government and the governors in the Colorado River basin that we want them to focus on conservation and efficiency first to protect the Colorado River and to address projected shortages in Southwest U.S. water supplies.
On Colorado River Day, we also launched a public petition asking the federal and state governments to do just that — focus on conservation and efficiency first.
You can help out by signing the petition here.
Please click here to sign the petition!
Check out this article in San Diego News as just one example of the dozens of articles that appeared throughout the basin about Colorado River Day.
Also last week we held the first event for our Watershed Movie tour. Narrated by
Robert Redford, the Watershed Movie explores a new ethic for water conservation in the Colorado River basin. The event at the Water Conservation Garden near San Diego was sold out. Producer James Redford (Robert’s son) was on hand to introduce the film and provide insight to the sold-out audience of 350 people. You can read more about the movie and watch a trailer here.
Check out this radio interview of Robert Redford, Executive Producer and Narrator of the film.
We are planning film tour events in Salt Lake City, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Tucson, Las Vegas, and Denver. The next event is in Salt Lake City on August 28th, and Los Angeles on August 29th. For a screening near you, check out the “Find A Screening” page on Watershed’s website.
Thank you for your support of the Colorado River!