Hi Friends of the Colorado River, I predict that 2025 will be a fascinating year…
Update! The Delta, Flaming Gorge Pipeline, and more
Hi Friends of the Colorado River!
First, awesome editorial by our friend, Sandra Postel of National Geographic, in the Los Angeles Times last Sunday about the Colorado River Delta. Titled, “The Colorado River Delta Blues,” Sandra continues the passionate drumbeat to restore the Delta.
Second, the premier of the “Watershed” movie, produced and narrated by Robert Redford, was a huge success in D.C. last Saturday night. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson offered opening remarks, Robert Redford introduced the film, and an excellent panel of international conservationists (including Sandra, above!) discussed the challenges facing the Colorado River. The Watershed movie’s website is here: http://watershedmovie.com/
Third, the proposed Flaming Gorge Pipeline reared its ugly head again last week as one of the proponents requested a “rehearing” from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission which had previously rejected a pre-application for the project. Environmental groups throughout Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado pounced on the story and generated over a dozen news articles challenging the request. The Denver office of the environmental law firm, Earthjustice, has led the charge in fighting the project and in the media stories of the past few days. Here’s one story from the CNBC: http://www.cnbc.com/id/46838072 Finally, friends of the Green and Colorado Rivers in Utah have mounted an aggressive challenge against a proposed water-sucking nuclear powerplant in northeast Utah. Great work Living Rivers and Utah Rivers Council for helping to lead this charge. This morning’s story in the Salt Lake Tribune here: http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/news/53804080-78/nuclear-plant-project-state.html.csp Thank you for your support! |