Hi Friends of the Colorado River, I predict that 2025 will be a fascinating year…
Take Action to Restore the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon!
Hi Friends of the Colorado River!
Over the next 24 months, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) is engaging in a historic opportunity to make consequential changes to the management of the Colorado River. Called the “Colorado River Post 2026 Operations”, the project will create a full Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that analyzes alternatives for how to change the management of the river. The “scoping” period for the EIS is open right now, and public comments are accepted at any time.
Save The Colorado will engage in this EIS process, from the beginning to the end, and we will give you the opportunity to weigh in with public comments at every opportunity as well.
Importantly, there’s a strong indication from USBR and various VIPs that one of the alternatives that will be analyzed includes building bypass tunnels around or through Glen Canyon Dam because there’s simply not enough water in the system — especially in future climate change scenarios — to keep the two massive reservoirs, Powell and Mead, operational. In this “one reservoir” solution scenario, Mead Reservoir would store all of the water and be saved, while Powell Reservoir could be abandoned.
Further, bypassing and decommissioning Glen Canyon Dam would create a free-flowing Colorado River all the way through the Grand Canyon for the first time in 60 years. The Grand Canyon has been greatly suffering and depleted for decades due to the construction of Glen Canyon Dam, and we are thrilled to support its restoration.
Throughout the EIS process, we are promoting what we call the “Grand Canyon Restoration Alternative” and we’ve already sent our comments to USBR for the scoping period. Our comments are posted here. We’ve also made a short Action Alert that allows you to send a quick comment letter to USBR as well.
Comments are accepted at any time.
Thank you for taking action, and stay tuned for more opportunities!