Hi Friends of the Colorado River! Over the next 24 months, the U.S. Bureau of…
Take Action: Tell Los Angeles to Conserve Water!
Hello Friends of the Colorado River!
Click Here To Help Us Take Action in California! Did you know that the City of Los Angeles gets about half of its water from the Colorado River? During this extreme drought in California, we have teamed up with a local conservation group in LA, the Los Angeles Waterkeeper, to promote water conservation. The government agency that controls the City’s water is the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) which has an unprecedented opportunity to increase its water conservation efforts, focus on alternative water supply projects, and educate the public about its impacts on the river systems of the West. We need your help to do that!
We have launched a petition on Change.org to tell the LADWP to increase its focus on water conservation. Please click here to sign and share the petition. Not only is California in an extreme drought, but all of the Colorado River basin is in a drought and all of us — from Denver to LA — need to do everything we can to conserve water and protect the Colorado River ecosystem. Help us out by clicking here. Thank you!!
Colorado needs to conserve water too! Not only are we working at the bottom of the Colorado River basin in Los Angeles, we are also working hard to protect the river at the top of the basin in Denver. Last week, Save The Colorado led a group of 18 Colorado conservation groups to give input to Colorado’s Governor, John Hickenlooper, asking him to focus on river conservation in the “Colorado Water Plan.” This “Plan” is being formulated over the next year and will guide the State of Colorado’s efforts for the next few decades. The 18 groups believe Colorado should stop supporting new dam/reservoir/diversion projects and instead focus on alternatives including conservation, recycling, and sharing water with farmers. We put out this press release here, and turned our letter to the Governor into a video presentation here. Take a look! We are working hard all over the Southwest U.S., pressuring Governors and policymakers, and helping to educate the public about protecting and restoring the Colorado River.
Can you say “DAMNATION?” It’s here! After a couple years of filmmaking and editing, we are super excited to see this new film being released next month. Damnation chronicles America’s history of dam building, and then also our more recent history of dam removal. The film is powerful, hopeful, and timely. The world premier will be at the SXSW festival in Austin, TX on March 10th. Our most excellent friends at Patagonia are main sponsors of the film and will be helping to promote it at the festival.
After March 10th, Damnation will be screening throughout the U.S. and Save The Colorado will be assisting that promotion in some locations. Take a look at the trailer, here! Stay tuned for more information about screenings in your local area. Let’s all get behind this film and its message of letting the rivers of America run free! The Colorado River is one of the most dammed and plumbed rivers on the planet — but there’s hope! This film helps keep that hope alive!
Thank you for your support!