Hi Friends of the Colorado River! Over the next 24 months, the U.S. Bureau of…
Take Action for the Colorado River and Win a Stand Up Paddleboard!
Hello Friends of the Colorado River!
First, please click here to take action to help protect the Colorado River and enter to win a stand up paddleboard! We are over at the Outdoor Retailers Show in Salt Lake City this week, along with tens-of-thousands of outdoor enthusiasts. With the generous support of Boardworks Surf, we are giving away 2 stand up paddleboards to raise awareness about the Colorado River. As you may know, the new Secretary of Interior, Sally Jewell, used to be the CEO of REI and is a big outdoor enthusiast herself. So, we are hosting a twitter storm of outreach to Secretary Jewell here at the OR Show, asking her to “Stand Up For The Colorado!” Hundreds of people have already entered the contest, and we’d like for you to enter to.
Please click through here, and follow the quick instructions to send a tweet or a post on facebook asking Secretary Jewell to Stand Up For The Colorado. When you tweet or post, we will automatically enter you into the contest to win a stand up paddleboard. Hundreds of people showed up at the Demo Day at the OR Show to test out all of the boats and paddleboards. The photo above is of OR Show Director, Kenji Haroutunian, testing out one of Boardworks’ paddleboards and sporting a cool hat that says, “Stand Up For The Colorado.” Stay tuned to our facebook and twitter feeds to see all of the action this week from the OR Show.
Second, can you please help us give away our raft trip for 2 on the Green River in Dinosaur National Monument?! Almost a hundred people submitted amazing and stunning photos of the rivers of the Southwest U.S., and we will pick the winner by which photo gets the most votes.
So, click through here and vote for which photo you think is the most deserving of a great 4-day raft trip courtesy of OARS Rafting. Some of the photos are amazing! The top vote getter so far is the photo to the left, of a human shadow tree in a red wall cavern in the Grand Canyon.
Voting runs through Friday afternoon, so hurry on down to the facebook page and register your vote to give away the raft trip. Some lucky photographer is going to have a great 4-day raft trip in the beautiful canyons of the Southwest U.S.
Stay tuned for more ways to take action and help protect and restore the Colroado.