Hi Friends of the Colorado River, I predict that 2025 will be a fascinating year…
Say “Thank You” to elected officials who speak up for the Colorado River!
Hello Friends of the Colorado River!
Thank You Reps Salazar and Garcia! Two weeks ago, two Colorado State Representatives — Joe Salazar and Leroy Garcia — traveled to Washington D.C. to ask members of Congress and Secretary of Interior Sally Jewell to speak up and protect the Colorado River. Reps. Salazar and Garcia went to D.C. with Nuestro Rio, a latino group that is working to protect and restore the Colorado River. Nuestro Rio went to D.C. to highlight their student raft trip down the Colorado, after which they produced this wonderful video about the trip and their new-found passion to protect the river. Our campaign to save the Colorado River tries to hold officials accountable when they do wrong, but also publicly recognize officials who do good work. So, please click through right here on Facebook and then click “like” to publicly thank Reps. Salazar and Garcia. These two gentlemen serve as an example for all policymakers who can raise awarenss given the public position they hold. Thank You Reps. Salazar and Garcia!
Some Good News Out Of Utah! A few days ago a very important report was released that was signed by 19 economists at the University of Utah. This report (read the news story here) indicates that the proposed Lake Powell Pipeline could never pay for itself, and further that it would require dramatic increases in taxes, water rates, and tap fees in order to pay off the bonds to build the pipeline. The pipeline proposes to drain 90,000 acre feet of water out of Lake Powell to fuel and subsidize growth in Southwest Utah. Supporters of the Pipeline have tried just about every trick in the book to get it built including raising taxes in the whole state (an idea the state legislature killed) and calling in the governor to go on a statewide tour promoting new water projects and the pipeline. This new economic report highlights what the environmental community has been saying all along — building huge new projects is exorbitantly expensive as well as environmentally damaging. Major kudos to the people and groups in Utah who are working their tails off to stop this disastrous pipeline.
As a final video teaser, take a look at the trailer for the new movie about the effort to take down dams and restore the Klamath River in the Northwest U.S. Awesome!
Thank you for your support!