Hi Friends of the Colorado River, I predict that 2025 will be a fascinating year…
New Dams In Wilderness Near Aspen and Vail? Not On Our Watch!
Hi Friends of the Colorado River!
First, the Good News: Summer finally got here — we hope you’ve had some time to go rafting on the beautiful rivers that are still full of water!
Now the Bad News: Just when you thought you could go back in the water, another new proposal for dams in Colorado has reared its ugly head! The cities of Aurora and Colorado Springs are preparing to drill test holes for new dams near the Holy Cross Wilderness Area in Pitkin County and Eagle County upstream of Aspen and Vail. The new dams would be on creeks that are tributary to the Eagle River which flows into the Colorado River downstream.
As soon as these projects enter the permitting phase, we will engage to stop them!
They propose to take up to another 30,000 acre feet of water out of the Eagle and Colorado Rivers each year — that’s around 10 billion gallons. The Eagle River is already depleted, with its tributaries already diverted by massive pipelines and tunnels sending its water under the Continental Divide and over to the Front Range of Colorado.
Aspen Journalism has a story about the projects here — take a read.
Enjoy your summer! And please know that we are fighting hard to keep the Colorado River and its tributaries alive for your enjoyment and for all the amazing critters we share this ecosystem with.
Thank you for your financial support which keeps us working hard! You can click here to donate to Save The Colorado.
Gary Wockner, Director