Hi Friends of the Colorado River, I predict that 2025 will be a fascinating year…
MUST WATCH TV: Our Rights of Nature for the Colorado River is on Channel 9 News in Colorado!
Hi Friends of Colorado’s Lakes, Rivers, and Watersheds!
We’re thrilled to share this Denver Channel 9 TV News story about our “Rights of Nature” work highlighting Grand Lake in Colorado. As the headwaters of the Colorado River, and as Colorado’s largest natural lake, Grand Lake is a natural gem that deserves greater protection.
The Town Board of Grand Lake recently granted the Lake and the watershed Rights of Nature which gives local citizens the opportunity to stand strong in the face of growing threats to the Lake including proposals for more development of the land around the Lake and development of the Lake’s water.
You can watch the Channel 9 News story by clicking here.
For 70 years, Grand Lake has actually been pumped backwards and its water sent through a huge tunnel under Rocky Mountain National Park, with plans for even more pumping in the future that will pollute the Lake’s water. That’s right, even in our most pristine ecosystems surrounded by Colorado’s bellwether national park, the threats multiply as growth and climate change intensify.
We’re excited to get this Channel 9 news coverage for our Rights of Nature campaign. In addition, we’re working with other communities across the state of Colorado — and in Utah — to achieve Rights of Nature for Rivers and Watersheds.
The Cache la Poudre River in Fort Collins, CO, deserves Rights of Nature.
The St. Vrain River in Lyons, CO, deserves Rights of Nature.
The Slate River in Crested Butte, CO, deserves Rights of Nature.
Great Salt Lake in Utah deserves Rights of Nature.
And more!
Keep an eye out for all of these campaigns as they move forward. We are working hard, having success, and getting great media coverage!
It’s your support that makes us successful.
You can donate online by clicking here.
Thank you for your support!!