July 11, 2024 For Immediate Release Contact: Gary Wockner, Save The Colorado, 970-218-8310 SAVE THE…
Media Advisory: Denver Water’s “Moffat Project” Postponed, Again
Save The Colorado
May 18, 2015
Today the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers notified Save The Colorado that the “Record of Decision” for the “Moffat System Collection Project” has been postponed again, now with a target date of “Fall 2015.”
Save The Colorado has extreme concerns about how this project would further drain and destroy the Colorado River, waste water in Denver and its suburbs, and subsidize bad water policy across the state of Colorado and the Southwest U.S. Further, the project would increase the height of Gross Dam in Southwest Boulder County by 125 feet, creating a massive wall of cement, the building of which would be the biggest construction project in the county’s history.
We are eagerly awaiting the release of the Record of Decision so that we can see if it permits this fatally flawed project that would drain another ~20,000 acre feet of water out of the entire Colorado River system at the very tip-top of the basin and pipe it under the continental divide over to the ever-sprawling Denver megalopolis. The “Moffat Project” would be the first new project in over two decades to potentially get permitted/built to drain more water out of the river.
If this project got built it would make Lake Mead drop that much faster, but yet Denver Water continues its fallacious flurry of p.r. about how they are trying to protect water supplies throughout the system. Further, Denver Water is proposing and threatening to build even more “Trans Mountain Diversions” in the future.