Hi Friends of the Colorado River, I predict that 2025 will be a fascinating year…
Colorado River Update: Save The Colorado is Spreading Faster than the Delta Variant!
Hi Friends of the Colorado River!
We’ve had a mad flurry of media attention for our work over the last few weeks. Here’s a rundown of how Save The Colorado is making a difference and your support matters.
First, our long-standing campaign against Glen Canyon Dam in Arizona garnered several news stories recently. As the drought continues to hammer water levels in Lake Powell, the cost of trying to save the dam and its hydropower continues to escalate. So-called “Demand Management”, where the states of WY, CO, UT, and NM would pay thousands of farmers tens-of-millions of dollars not to farm so those farmers could send their water downstream to try and save Lake Powell has become a grim reality. We’ve warned everyone this could happen, and we even sued the federal government by arguing that it makes more sense to abandon Glen Canyon Dam rather than try to save it. Stories about our work appeared in Arizona Public Radio, Arizona Central, The Salt Lake Tribune, Public News Service, Lake Powell Life, The Denver Post, KOA News Radio, and Fox 13 TV News in Salt Lake City.
You can watch the segment on Fox 13 TV News in Salt Lake City by clicking here.
Second, our campaign to stop the proposed Gross Dam expansion in Boulder County also made news. The Boulder Daily Camera, the Denver Post, and the Colorado Sun all posted multiple stories about how we are keeping up the fight and the pressure against Denver Water’s disastrous plan to build the tallest dam in Colorado history that would further drain the extremely depleted Upper Colorado River. Denver Water had the outrageous audacity to file a frivolous lawsuit against Boulder County before the County even had a hearing about the dam expansion. Our attorneys are hard at work defending Boulder County against Denver Water’s aggressive bully antics.
Read the story in the Boulder Daily Camera by clicking here.
Third, our “Rights of Nature for Rivers” program continued to get media attention and gain traction. In addition to the Boulder Daily Camera, the Denver Post and Colorado Public Radio also ran long stories about our success with the “Rights of Nature for the Boulder Creek Watershed” resolution in Nederland, Colorado. The Boulder Creek Watershed now has “inalienable rights” and any citizen in Nederland can speak at Town Board meetings representing Nature. We’re thrilled with the success in Nederland and we are already working with other communities to get the next Rights of Nature for Rivers program established. Stay tuned!
Read the story in the Denver Post by clicking here.
Fourth, our ongoing work to protect Homestake Valley in Eagly County, Colorado, saw some action and made some news. Led by the regional conservation group, WildEarth Guardians, we filed, a “60-Day Notice of Intent to Sue” the U.S. Forest Service for giving a drilling permit surrounding Homestake Creek beside the Holy Cross Wilderness Area. The cities of Colorado Springs and Aurora want to build a huge new dam that would further drain the Creek and the Eagle and Colorado rivers downstream. The cities want to drill “test holes” to decide where to put the dam, but they’ve failed to comply with the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Our Notice of Intent to Sue warns the U.S. Forest Service to comply with the Endangered Species Act or be sued by us and other coalition partners. We are represented in this potential litigation by the University of Denver Law Clinic.
Read the story in the Vail Daily by clicking here.
Finally, our work to stop the Lake Powell Pipeline in southern Utah caught the attention of several media outlets. Led by Utah Rivers Council who put together a press conference of coalition partners at Hoover Dam, we provided statements and backup support to help bring negative attention to the Pipeline. Conservationists, farmers, and elected officials all participated in the press conference that garnered nearly a dozen news articles throughout the Southwest U.S.
Read this story in the St. George Spectrum by clicking here.
Are you tired of clicking yet? We’d GREATLY APPRECIATE ONE MORE CLICK over to our donation page here. It’s your amazing support that helps protect and restore the Colorado River and keeps this news in the public and decision-makers’ eyes.
Thank you for your support!
Gary Wockner, Director, Save The Colorado