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FERC Terminates Colorado Dam Proposal for Peabody Coal Mining
For Immediate Release
August 23, 2016
Contact: Gary Wockner, Save The Colorado, 970-281-8310
FERC Terminates Colorado Dam Proposal that would have supported Peabody Coal Mining
Colorado River, USA: Today the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) informed the Trout Creek Reservoir Project that their application for a new dam, reservoir, and hydropower project was being terminated due to “missed deadlines.” (see this termination letter) The proposal would have diverted water out of Trout Creek (a tributary to the Yampa River in Colorado, in the Colorado River basin), created a 100-foot high dam across Trout Creek, and used the water for generating hydropower and for Peabody coal mining near Steamboat Springs, CO (see project description here). The project was in the permitting process with FERC because part of the proposal was to generate hydropower.
“This is good news for Trout Creek, the Yampa River, and the entire Colorado River basin,” said Gary Wockner of Save The Colorado. “The last thing we need is to be further damming and draining rivers to support coal mining. The future of water supply and energy production is in conservation, wind, and solar.”
-- Gary Wockner, PhD, Executive Director Save the Colorado PO Box 1066, Fort Collins, CO 80522 https://savethecolorado.newmedia1.net http://www.facebook.com/savethecolorado Tweets by SaveTheColorado 970-218-8310 The mission of Save The Colorado is to protect and restore the Colorado River and its tributaries from the source to the sea. Save The Colorado focuses on fighting irresponsible water projects, supporting alternatives to dams and diversions, fighting and adapting to climate change, supporting river and fish species restoration, and removing deadbeat dams. Save The Colorado has thousands of supporters throughout the Southwest U.S. from Denver to Los Angeles and beyond.