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Colorado River Update! Help Us Stop The Tallest Dam In Colorado In 50 Years!

Hello Friends of the Colorado River!

Can you believe the audacity?!? In the state of Colorado, there’s a huge new dam proposed for Colorado River water, and the people wanting to build it are actually bragging that it would be the chimney-hollow-dam-mwhTallest Dam Built in Colorado in 50 Years.”


At the exact moment in history where the Colorado River has been almost completely drained for human consumption, where the river is on the verge of a “shortage declaration,” where both Lake Mead and Lake Powell are at the combined lowest storage level in history, not only does this water agency in Northern Colorado want to build a new dam that would drain over 9 billion gallons of water out of the river every year, they are even bragging about how tall the dam would be.

To that we say:

The project is called the “Windy Gap Firming Project” and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has not yet issued a permit for this project. But if they do, we have a team of scientists and attorneys who will scour the permit to see if it complies with federal law. The documents we have seen so far indicate that the massive dam and reservoir project would likely violate the National Environmental Policy Act, Clean Water Act, and Endangered Species Act. In fact, if this project is built, only 25% of the river’s natural water would still flow in Grand County, Colorado, the rest being diverted across the continental divide for massive sprawl and subdivisions along the north Denver corridor.

What Can You Do To Help? 

Please donate to Save The Colorado now by clicking here.

Our team of researchers is poised to take action, and your support will help us dig into this project and force the Army Corps of Engineers to do the right thing. In the documents we have seen from the Corps, they have so-far failed to take water conservation seriously, failed to fully analyze the ecological impacts to the river’s fish and habitat, failed to consider how climate change will further diminish flows in the river, and failed to consider alternatives to the massive dam and diversion including leasing or buying water from farmers.



In addition to addressing the threat of this project, we have also been bird-dogging all the other proposed new dams and diversions. Denver Water’s proposed Moffat Project is at the top of our list. Utah’s Lake Powell Pipeline proposal is in our sites. Wyoming’s Fontenelle Dam project proposal is being monitored closely.

Your donation will support specific, timely, actions to protect and restore the Colorado River and its tributaries, which is our exact mission.

This fall is going to be exciting for the Colorado River! Stay tuned for all of the action, and thank you for your support!

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